The Cal State XC Series kicked off this past weekend with Bonelli Park. I have been racing Bonelli since 2002 and it's a special place for me. Many a fond (first podium in sport, expert and pro) and not-so-fond memories (heat stroke, poison sumac, smelly water)!
Sunday's race was good, much better than last year for me. Started out strong, felt the burn, held the lead for the first bit, then Carolyn took off ahead. Given that it was a short race I figured I would just leave it all out there, kind of like a cross race (or back to back cross race). My legs held up OK, but my asthma was not good on the first lap, burning lungs from all the allergens in the air! I was able to keep it together pretty well and tried to hammer as much as possible. In the end I finished 2nd overall which was a nice way to kick off the regular season. I really enjoyed the new section that coincided with the Super D. A nice way to spice up the same old Bonelli XC course!
Greg's folks were in town and it was also the day after my birthday. So was not a bad weekend! We had a picnic after the race (thanks Greg, Mom, Dad and Carolyn!). Even Dorothy stopped by on her way back from racing Tour of Murrieta. The whole venue sang happy b-day to me on the podium! not bad! Greg's mom made me my favorite b-day cake (strawberry!) in the shape of a bunny (a throw back to childhood). Pix to come!
It was great to see everyone from Backbone, and all sorts of new faces and old faces I hadn't seen since the fall. Carolyn and I chatted with Krista Park after the race, she had done the Saturday Southridge race. It was also nice to see such a large showing in our Pro/Expert field (and sport and beginner!). Lots of people have moved up this year to either pro or expert and it's an exciting time!
More pix to come! Need to get them off the home computer!
Next stop Fontana Nationals!