Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Bringing 2008 in with illness... and lots of herbal tea

Well, I have officially been sick for 11 days (which includes all of 2008 so far). Not good timing at all, but at least it's not the middle of the season and last weekend was extremly rainy, so I didn't miss much. I have more than caught up on TV shows including alot of brainless reality shows on MTV and VH1. I also watched nearly a whole season of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Tryouts on the E channel one day. It motivated me to keep up with my ab workouts. I can honestly say that I have done ALOT of resting. I can also say that getting sick this time had nothing to do with racing or training. I simply got the wintertime bug that many other people get when travelling around the holidays and I was on my week off the bike (which now has unfortunately become a longer break).

I am a big fan of herbal tea, but recently have been introduced to and have discovered several new additions to my collection. I have somewhat of an herbal tea pharmacy at home and in my office. Over the past 2 days I have sent people off with at least a couple samples to try. Lots of people have been sick recently or are still fighting things off. I have also talked to a few others who are in my boat: got a secondary illness.. yes ....... got sick from being sick! Apparently last week I had the flu and now I am recovering from a secondary respiratory infection. GREAT. Thankfully my dr is awesome and has got me feeling like a human again! Having asthma does not help at all, making my illness linger a big longer than normal. I think my frantic coughing fits might FINALLY be over.... Now I can have a real night's sleep!

As for the product review, these are the teas that I highly recommend! You can find most of these at your local grocery store, health foods store, Vitamin Cottage, etc. I even have seen some of these at Rite Aid. Even if you are not sick, most of these are really great for just everyday immune support and overall wellness.

Traditional Medicinals Gypsy Cold Care

Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat

Traditional Medicinals Breathe Easy

Traditional Medicinals Echinacea Plus

Traditional Medicinals Herba Tussin

Traditional Medicinals Everyday Detox

Yogi Tea Triple Echinacea

Yogi Tea Kava Stress Relief (** now popular with my coworkers!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when I was sick TV was my friend. I really got into the Janice Dickson Modeling Agecy and the Biggest Loser. I now know everything about super big and super small people.

Hope you feel better soon. We need to use are free tickets to Snow Valley while they actualy have snow!