Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Skater Chick

I made my official debut on our skate ramp this past Saturday. Apparently Greg couldn't get any action shots of me because he was too busy coaching me or trying to keep the dog off the ramp while others skated. So the photo to the left is what I would call the poser shot, me trying to look like a skater. Yes, those are my own pads and helmet. Actually I needed the help! I took a couple bad spills and I was still hurting pretty bad today. Feels kind of like falling while snowboarding, except on the ramp you fall on masonite!

Greg and Corey (who have been skateboarding since age 8) had a great time breaking in the ramp and we got some great pix! It was a fun day and my legs definately suffered after having already been on a road ride that day. Skating on the ramp is like doing continuous squats (even more so than snowboarding! Good cross training except for the falling and getting hurt part!

David Kaiser stopped by to check out the skate action and play with the pup, Murphy enjoyed himself ... so much that he dozed off pretty hard for a while...

Greg did his first real skating since his July knee surgery. He didn't go too crazy with the tricks, but got a few grinds in... yes those are honking knee pads he is wearing. He ordered custom pads to fit over his stylish knee brace. Greg lived vicariously through Corey and made him do the more difficult tricks. I was happy with this choice and Greg's knee is still in tact.
In other news: We got our long-awaited copy of
Off Road to Athens in the mail a few weeks ago. Finally got around to watching it over Turkey Day weekend. We were fortunate enough to attend a showing at the Sea Otter Classic in April. It was a very inspriational film and yes... it made me cry (surprise, surprise!)! I think seeing the riders get emotional (especially Alison Dunlap when she comes to the realization that she would not be going to the olympics) was especially tough to see. It was also interesting to see that the top pro riders are in fact "human" and have bad days too! Who would have thought!

I finally kicked my cold, but now Greg has it! I gotta be on immunity watch this week...

I wonder if Jonathan Weaver is freezing his arse off this week up in Boulder!


Sharpie said...

Sweet shot of Greg! That boy has mad skate skills. Was that Murphy or Beauford laying out cold like that? Off Road To Athens still gets me all welled up, and I have seen it 500 times! You should wear that helmet on your next road ride...:)


Vegas said...

Skate or Die! You look tough.

Joy Joy said...

Can i bring the PE kids over for a little contest? we wont tell their parents though, too dangerous probably!

Joy Joy said...

Can i bring the PE kids over for a little contest? we wont tell their parents though, too dangerous probably!

Fuzzy said...

who is that little girl in the first pic ? haha. Little rippers, aye !!!