Friday was Master's Women 30-34 in a 100% muddy and cold course! MTB handling skills came into play on this one, and I finished in 9th place out of 22 finishers. It was a heavy hitting field, so I was pleased with this!
Saturday it snowed.....we stayed indoors, and I rode on a terrible hotel gym bike!
Sunday was my Elite Women's race: even colder temps, and not much thaw of the ground. SO we would be racing on frozen mud ruts, ice and snow. Perfect! Had a call up somewhere around 60th, but utilized the MTB skills once again to finish in 27th (out of 72 starters, 64 finishers). Was just a minute outside the top 20! I keep replaying in my head where I lost time. Only crashed once the whole weekend, which I was pleased about. I think that crash may have cost me a top 25 finish though!Congrats to my Team CICLE teammates (Dot, Carolyn and Heidi) and everyone else who represented SoCal at KC Nats! We showed that we can handle the winter weather!
Thanks to everyone who was out there cheering! Also thanks to Greg for making the trip out to KC to watch us race in the cold! Your support means alot to me as you already know.
Friday's race... mud and more mud:
Sunday's race: cold and frozen mud, ice and snow too!
Gotta Love this (see below)! There were people all over this sofa during the elite races on Sunday. A great cheering section in a technical section of the course (hard to tell from the pix, but it was tough)!
and this (the chicken man):
Nice job! Way to kick butt.
I am getting cold just looking at the pictures.
i wonder if that couch made it back into the house.
that is an excellent q (about the couch). in person the couch looked like one of the ones you see on a college house front porch. One of the ones you sometimes see people sleeping on after a long night of partying.
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